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SUNDAYS @ 8:30AM and 11:00 AM

Our Sunday morning service is first and foremost a service of worship. We gather together each Sunday to praise God in song for who he is and what he has done for us in Jesus Christ, to honor him with our prayers and offerings, and to give our careful attention to his Word as it is read and preached. One of our ushers will offer you a bulletin so that you will know the order of service and have an outline of the sermon.


​Our Sunday morning service is a worship service first, but it is also a time for us to be strengthened and encouraged in our faith. Louie Giglio says we ought to go worshiping to church instead of simply going to church to worship. We think he's right. But we also recognize that life in this fallen world can wear us down and distract us from the glory of the hope that is ours in Christ. God has commanded us to gather together for worship each week so that we might build one another up in our faith. It is our prayer that everyone who gathers with us on Sunday morning will be encouraged by the songs we sing, the gospel we proclaim and the love we show for one another.

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The services start at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Arriving a few minutes early should give you plenty of time to get inside and find a seat. We try to reserve a few rows for our guests, but feel free to sit anywhere you like. One of our ushers will offer you a bulletin so that you will know the order of service and have an outline of the sermon.


Arrive a few minutes earlier if you would like to share some coffee and conversation with us before the service. This is a great opportunity for you to begin to get to know us better—and for us to get to know you.


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